martes, octubre 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Fahion Halloween

Being only on Tuesday, time goes fas...t and this is means that tomorrow night will be Halloween.
Enjoy it so much, and don´t forget to combine it with fashion. Lots of dresses, textures and dark colours exist to make us easily to have a very fashion Halloween!!!!


martes, septiembre 13, 2011

Night Dream

night dream

The sun goes down and Night begins... long and lonely, but special night,where dreams come true.

domingo, noviembre 08, 2009

The first step

Este es el primer paso, el primer paso de una aventura, una experiencia,un hobby o simplemente una manera de compartir inquietudes sobre aficiones, moda, y cultura de tres, por que este blog será a tres bandas.

Pero sin olvidar que como dice el blog será desde vuestros ojos, para compartirlo con todos vosotros.

En breve,empezaremos...bienvenidos!!!!

This is the first step, the first step of an adventure, an experience, hobby or only the way to share our interests about hobbies, fashion and the culture of three people, because this blog belows to three people.

But be care to not forget that this is blog is 'from your eyes',to share with all of you.

As soon as possible,we will begin......welcome!!!!